Who I am

I don’t remember one day that I haven’t designed, built, wrote or created anything since I was a child. When I finished high school in Naples I enrolled in law by my father’s will; ended with a burnout and a sabbatical year to find myself.


In 1990 I enrolled in the graphic design course at the IED in Rome; it was the closest I could get to art. In hindsight I would have chosen illustration. During this buzzing period, in summer and winter vacations I worked in South Tyrol in bars and hotels, where I got to know the crazy wood sculptors from Alto Adige and learned to disavow the precious Neapolitan slowness.

Over the years I chased and brushed against art a thousand times, almost always self-taught and hiccuping, continually distracted from an almost always complicated and feverish life, with mixed results; this is my visionary site at the time, now archived.


I have been and am a freelance graphic designer for interzona design, and I founded a blog and then a non-profit association for awareness eating called il pasto nudo, born with the aim of open your eyes to those who want it, officially on the world of food, unofficially by exit Matrix.

On the threshold of fifty years I accidentally stumbled upon embroidery art, initially to decorate vintage aprons for a dear friend and stylist, then I became more and more stubborn, until I found myself experimenting and working at least two or three hours every day with needles, vintage fabrics and organic cotton threads mounted on wooden bobbins that I get through Etsy from Germany.

Through this fascinating technique I am recovering the slowness that I had recklessly abjured, and I found the little girl who in an apartment in Via San Mandato in Naples learned from her grandmother seamstress to make the knot on cotton thread. I should say that circles close, but I believe much more in spirals.


Izn (Sonia Piscicelli) was born in Naples in 1968 and graduated in 1994 as Graphic Designer at IED, Rome.

She worked in Rome in several graphic studios before starting a freelance career (as Interzona) mainly in the artistic field in the areas of web design, photography and painting, also creating set designs and some experimental projects.

Her educational background includes oil painting, ceramic modeling and Raku technique, large-format photo collage, assemblage art, and collage art book creation, before finally coming to contemporary embroidery art in 2018.

  • in October 2003, she participated in the group show Intruders in Rome, conceived by Riccardo Znidarcic, at the private spaces of a well-known collector of historical authors, together with Lidia Bachis, Barbara Barbantini, Matteo Bosi and Marina Brasili, and in the group show States of body and mind, the Perform Arte contemporanea gallery, in Via del Torretto in La Spezia, curated by Enrico Formica, together with Luca D’Altri and Monika Grycko. The group show will also be shown again in La Spezia in November of the same year;
  • in July 2006, she participated in the group show PopArty, at Villa Palazzetti in Rome, via de’ Cessati Spiriti;
  • January to May 2023 che participates in the international group exhibition Appunti su questo tempo, at CasermArcheologica in Sansepolcro (Arezzo);
  • in April of the same year, one of her works was selected for the international group exhibition Xs Project II, at the Gina Morandini Galleria d’Arte Tessile Contemporanea in Maniago, Pordenone;
  • July through September she exhibits in the international group show Unclassifiable, at Artout Contemporary Artground in Todi (Perugia);
  • September 2023 she participates in Naturales Quaestiones. La cura, contemporary art installations and meeting with artists, in Bobbio (Piacenza);
  • in December of the same year, she participated in the international group exhibition Xs Project Roma, at the Studio B49 gallery in Rome;
  • February 2024 one of her works is selected for the group exhibition Animals, at Dama di Capestrano in Capestrano (L’Aquila);
  • in the same month she participates with another work in the international group show Logos, at Scd Studio space in Perugia;
  • in June of the same year, she was selected for the international contemporary art exhibition Verba Creant, at the Ernesto Balducci Library in Barberino di Mugello, Florence;
  • also in 2024, from September to December one of her installations was exhibited in the international contemporary art group show Radici, Metamorfosi, Mescolanze as part of the International Biennial of Contemporary Fiber Art, at the Valtopina Museum of Embroidery and Textiles, in Valtopina (Perugia).